Starting today and going for 8 weeks (March 29) our campus will be participating in the national, inter-campus recycling competition, RecycleMania.
Each week, I will be posting the number of pounds of solid waste and recycling we haul off campus.
Pre-season baseline:
Solid waste: 17,259 pounds per week
Single-stream recycling: 4,448 pounds per week
Throughout this competition we will strive to lower the value of solid waste, increase recyclables, and overall have less waste (both solid and recyclable) leaving campus.
Here's what you can do:
- KNOW what can be recycled! Paper, plastic (#1-#7), glass, aluminum, milk cartons can all be placed in single-stream recycling.
- RECYCLE everything that is recyclable. Sound simple? It is! Dump out any food that may be in a container, then recycle.
- TEACH others what to recycle.
More information about waste reduction can be found on this blog under the "waste minimization" tab.